How our wellbeing packages can help both you and your employees...
Help create a happy workplace
Support employees in life and at work
Boost productivity and motivation
Attract and retain great talent
Employees are spending unproductive hours at work when ill, rather than taking time off – our services will ensure that wellbeing and productivity is restored
We aim to provide companies with preventive as well as curative healthcare
When we plan your wellbeing program, we will carry out a risk assessment to identify what aspects of each job roles put the employee at wellbeing at risk
Employees will have a better knowledge about health matters
We offer empowerment for people to take ownership of private health matters
It will improve general health and quality of life
Employees will feel more valued and cared for by management
Creates a greater incentive for employees to stay with the employer
It will increase company morale
The workforce will feel greater overall empowerment
Our services will reach employees who do not use NHS
Our services will reduce the need for employees to take time off work for health related appointments
A happier workplace – employees will want to come to work for you and work harder when they are there
Your workforce will feel empowered
Wellbeing services add value to your business and makes working for you an attractive proposition when recruiting fresh talent
It promotes cost savings due to improved attendance
It reduces risk exposure to possible litigation due to accidents and performance errors
Less reliance on NHS appointments with long waiting times – for example, physiotherapy
Staff retention will improve
Unique Wellbeing Solutions Ltd
Office 764
321-323 High Road
Chadwell Heath